So here by way of a distraction, here is a list of all the suggestions we were sent:
Doublet, Hose and a towelling Ruff. A practical suggestion here from Garry Collier:

In light of the marathon's sponsor Anne Howells proposed air hostesses:

or virgins:

Carrie Parsons thinks that the Red Dwarf posse is the way to go:

Anthony Quinn wants us to don chainmail, if only to slow Brogan down:

Martin Carr's idea was to dress as Greek Gods:

Dean Bavage suggested sixties Star Trek uniforms:

Jean & Jon Miles' submission was Doctor Who, which offers up several costume alternatives, and since Tanya Jones mentioned tweed, this is probably what they all meant:

Lizzy Suffling suggested we dress as Royston Vasey locals from The League Of Gentlemen:

Top hats and tails was Verity Clayton's idea of eye-catching running wear:

This post seemed like such a good idea when I started compiling it, but I have to admit I had my doubts when I saw some of the results on Google image search for 'Greek gods' or 'virgins'. They are probably not safe for work.
If you want to make a suggestion you need to be quick and more importantly you need to sponsor us.
Total mileage to date = 101 miles
Total sponsorship to date = £1,265.30
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