Tickets have gone on sale for the
Behind The Bike Shed festival. Actually they've been on sale for a while and I have been negligent in not putting it up on here until now.

The organisers have put their
calendar online.
The four dates, four venues and two prices are below:
Monday 26th July -
Electricity Showrooms, 7.30pm, entry is £4, the show is followed by a selection of films by Vera Chok & Adrian Gillott, Nik Correll, Benjamin Roberts, Anthony Gurner and more.
Thursday 29th July -
Courtyard Theatre, 7.30pm, entry is £6, the show is followed by a some scenes featuring work by Marc Barnes, Robert Sladden, me and others.
Saturday 31st July -
The Slaughtered Lamb, 7.30pm, entry is £4, the show is followed by a collection of monologues featuring Sam Quinn, Emma Stannard, Alex Laserev, Nicholas Ruben, me and others.
Sunday 1st August -
Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen, 4pm, the show is followed by a party staring at 6pm, entry is £6 for both the show and the party or £4 for the party only. The party features performances from The Hammock Brigade, Eyeful, other bands TBA and a DJ.