Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Big Reveal

Last year I decided to take part in the A to Z Blogging Challenge and I didn't have a theme. I wrote about the same things I did the rest of the time only more often. It was a struggle.

This year I have a theme. Mina Lobo and David Macaulay are asking us to reveal our theme ahead of the challenge itself.

This year I plan to write 26 alphabetical chapters of about a thousand words each that will make up a circa 26,000 word novella. I don't want to say any more at this early stage.


Unknown said...

you're keeping people boiling and guessing till last moment, huh?
the mystery deepens...

Unknown said...

I am also intrigued! Looking forward to reading your posts!

Anonymous said...

Wow! definitely intriguing! Good luck!

This is my first year with the A to Z challenge, even though I've watched it grow over the last 3 years. I'm also taking part in the Reveal. I'm trying to share some positivity with my #WriteMotivation friends on Twitter (and to help keep me positive in the process)
Hope to see you around :)

Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

Anonymous said...

I am also curious. Can't wait.

M said...

I'll be sure to check in come April.

~M Pepper Langlinais

Jeremy [Retro] said...

sounds intense... will you make a book in the end?

Jeremy [Retro] #66
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

David Macaulay said...

1000 words for each post. I am well impressed Dave - good luck

Tami Von Zalez said...

Oh sure, tease us like that ... see ya round the challenge!

Tracy MacDonald said...

Yes, a theme definitely makes the challenge easier. Good luck with the novella!
A2Z Mommy And What’s In between

Nagzilla said...

Sounds interesting. Look forward to seeing more.

Hi from Nagzilla bloghopping A to Z

Mina Lobo said...

Tease. ;-)

Loralie Hall said...

Sounds very intriguing. Looking forward to reading as you write :-D

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Enigmatica as always. Look forward to it.

Unknown said...

Nice! Looking forward to your challenge!

Rhonda Albom said...

Big goal, good luck.


Valerie said...

Sounds great!! This is my first year with the challenge. I'm totally winging it. I hope that it works out!!


Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

Dave said...

Alex, I hope so.

Adriana, yep.

C.M., thanks.

Jamie, thank you.

Elizabeth, thanks.

Charity, thank you.

M, ta.

Jeremy, I haven't thought that far ahead but I'd like to

David, thanks we'll see how much it varies.

Tami, I wouldn't want to reveal too much

Tracy, thanks.

Nagzilla, thanks

Mina, yep.

Allyson, thank you.

A Daft Scots Lass, always.

Ashley, thanks.

Rhonda, I think I'm only just realising how big.

Valerie, good luck.