Lockdown Day 9 - "Daffies"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 1, 2020
Just a nice bunch of daffodils!
Follow/Like for daily uplifting landscape photography. pic.twitter.com/mNsea2DizK
We are being lied to. https://t.co/FbYZVB3fEP
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) April 1, 2020
Are you saying the 2007 CBBC series "Space Pirates!" is no longer in the archives?
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 1, 2020
But is this just an elaborate April Fool?
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 1, 2020
Socially distant dancing happens every day on our road at 11am during #lockdown. This was day seven.#Covid19 #StayHomeSaveLives pic.twitter.com/yBw2Q230CA
— Elsa Williams (@elsalwilliams) March 31, 2020
Raymond Briggs, always relevant pic.twitter.com/h8lllwUmH0
— Pip (@pipmadeley) April 1, 2020
I support this message. https://t.co/zH3z1VokpV
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 1, 2020
I know this lockdown is hard for everyone. So here's a clip from 'Into The Dalek' re-scored with music from the 80s #DoctorWho story 'Mawdryn Undead'. Isn't it amazing just how much music can change the tone of a scene... 🎶😂🎶 pic.twitter.com/HI5bY3c3vj
— Blair Mowat (@BlairMowat) April 2, 2020
Illyria pic.twitter.com/keZy4D7H77
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 3, 2020
It’s hard to believe that only a year ago the conservative Government was telling nurses there was no magic money tree for a pay rise https://t.co/WdSZLx0TkJ
— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) April 2, 2020
I’ve been laughing at this shit for atleast 30 minutes 😭😭😭 pic.twitter.com/uxcJkYdrRB
— MikeysFamous (@MikeysFamous) April 2, 2020
#rememberthenostromo pic.twitter.com/xawAD66Kwr
— 🔸 Richard Starkings 🔸 (@RichStarkings) April 3, 2020
Lockdown Day 10 - "Public Footpath"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 2, 2020
Carleton In Craven (North Yorkshire, UK)
Follow/Like for daily uplifting landscape photography. pic.twitter.com/3P3CN3sn4U
Lockdown Day 11 - "Carleton Beck"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 3, 2020
Carleton In Craven (North Yorkshire, UK)
Follow/Like for daily uplifting landscape photography. pic.twitter.com/cU06JqQPby
Lockdown Day 12 - "Skipton High Street"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 4, 2020
My market stall is usual situated on the right of this photo and I have never seen the High Street so quiet, in daylight hours at least.
Follow/Like for daily landscape photography pic.twitter.com/pBFpUG3Hzm
My main takeaway from these tweetalongs is that BBC Studios should ask Emily Cook to name her price to come and manage Doctor Who. Her skill at bringing together talent & inspiring audiences has generated more buzz and goodwill for the programme than at any time in recent memory.
— Gary Gillatt (@Gary_Gillatt) April 3, 2020
Rich celebrities who think we want to hear they've been tested positive for Covid-19, when our health-workers are dying without tests. pic.twitter.com/laGv5eTyVn
— spankybackpack - persuaded to #stayathome (@spankybackpack) April 4, 2020
Star Trek VFX legend Dan Curry designed the Klingon bat'leth sword and devised the deadly choreography for its use. During a production mtg, ST:TNG exec prod Rick Berman whispered to producer Merri Howard (loudly enough for all to hear), "If we ever have to fire Dan, YOU do it!" pic.twitter.com/kRu6fsW0MU
— Michael Okuda (@MikeOkuda) April 3, 2020
This isn’t ‘debt’. It’s the £13 billion by which the NHS has been systematically underfunded. https://t.co/C798EWR8yA
— Rachel Clarke (@doctor_oxford) April 3, 2020
Here's super-spreader Matt Hancock ignoring WHO advice at today's opening of the Nightingale Hospital at London's Excel Centre... pic.twitter.com/H6cT78NQW4
— Chris Shaw (@The_ChrisShaw) April 3, 2020
Wildlife is finally returning to Britain’s streets. Nature is healing 😍✌️ pic.twitter.com/p4xYmf1oPx
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) April 4, 2020
It's almost that time again... after #RedDwarf: The Promised Land airs on Thurs 9th on @davechannel, I'll be doing a giant Art Dept making-of thread of the show, on here, at 11pm. Can't wait to show you all how we did what we done.... pic.twitter.com/LqHfiB5HlQ
— Matthew Clark (@mr_clark) April 4, 2020
For years I have been trying to remember the name of the 'silver ball that eats everything' film/TV show. I've asked like-minded individuals of similar ages, but no one ever remembered it. I was beginning to think I'd dreamt it. Please put me out of my misery, what was it called?
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 4, 2020
Thank you, so much.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 4, 2020
This is by far the best TikTok I’ve seen pic.twitter.com/xtWaig30QG
— Mary Wilson (@TheeMaryWilson) April 4, 2020
Why can't the BBC requsition the episodes?
— Gregor (@TheManofOrange) April 4, 2020
@philnewmandsign, the jig is up. Just hand them over...
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 5, 2020
— Joe Tracini (@joetracini) April 4, 2020
Lockdown Day 14 - "Spring's Branch"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 6, 2020
The Springs' Branch of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal in Skipton (North Yorkshire, UK) is fully stacked with rental boats awaiting the end of the 'lockdown'.
Follow/Like for daily landscape photography pic.twitter.com/ptArO3Et9B
When all this is over let’s remember who looked out for us. And who didn’t.
— Led By Donkeys (@ByDonkeys) April 6, 2020
(Location: Poole) pic.twitter.com/0tCMMHVUd3
@therealnickbank, has your wrist action improved? pic.twitter.com/gF8r7mRYGO
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 6, 2020
Lockdown Day 15 - "Spring Has Not Yet Sprung"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 7, 2020
Spring is in the air, but the trees are still a little bare on the Spring's Branch of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, Skipton (North Yorkshire, UK).
Follow/Like for daily landscape photography pic.twitter.com/BmyM1Ts1p0
In November 1970, officials in Oregon, USA decided to blow up a rotting whale carcass. The whole thing went horribly wrong.
— Doncaster Council (@MyDoncaster) April 6, 2020
Why do we bring this up? Well, this story can teach us 3 things about #coronavirus ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/9MOeRESkzx
Mr Benn, Pigeon Street and Danger Mouse.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 7, 2020
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 7, 2020
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 7, 2020
War, Pyramids, Remembrance
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 7, 2020
This is very generous of you. I'll DM you my address...
Thunderball, The Living Daylights, Skyfall
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 7, 2020
Oldest and greatest country ever. One of our presidents, Ben Franklin, invented electricity, but Europe doesn’t want to mention that
— Three Year Letterman (@3YearLetterman) April 6, 2020
The Master, The Rani, The Monk, The Daleks, The Mara in Tegan's head
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 8, 2020
Remember 2 days ago, hacks were begging you to #buyapaper to "preserve honest journalism".
— Matt Thomas (@Trickyjabs) April 8, 2020
Here is the Daily Express, running a story of people clapping for Boris Johnson. However it's fake news. The still image was taken from people clapping for the NHS the previous Thursday. pic.twitter.com/1mhpMNXy6d
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 9, 2020
The lovely Yockenthwaite, Langstrothdale (Yorkshire Dales, UK). Taken last month in some beautiful spring sunshine.
Follow/Like for daily landscape photography. pic.twitter.com/dTBzLtSwbB
Emily Maitlis with powerful words that needed saying tonight. pic.twitter.com/yqNgxlHoJU
— Huw (@ed_son) April 8, 2020
NX-01, TMP, 1701-E
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 9, 2020
I found this surprisingly easy.
ACTIVE DANCE TUTORIAL-HIP HOP pic.twitter.com/zWMx3d2y6I
— Joe Tracini (@joetracini) April 9, 2020
#StayHomeSaveLives, Citizens. pic.twitter.com/Yrlb12Vtf5
— 2000 AD Comics (@2000AD) April 9, 2020
This is excruciating.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 9, 2020
I loved the show, but if I'd seen this I probably never would have watched it. https://t.co/NcVikI7sgl
The Brigadier, Rose, Peri, Nyssa, Ohila
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 9, 2020
Does Mel count? She was unconscious at the time.
They all feature, sadly uncredited, stunt work by Claire Raynor.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 10, 2020
Knowledge is power.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 10, 2020
She also taught the actors in Predator and Commando the deadly art of unarmed combat. She was accidentally booked to do the same on the set of Twins as well.
"Sunrise on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 11, 2020
A slightly misty sunrise over the Leeds & Liverpool canal between Skipton & Gargrave (North Yorkshire, UK).
Like/Follow for daily landscape photography. pic.twitter.com/L2DbGHhie3
The weirdest thing is the authority with which people say "this isn't Star Trek" or "Starfleet wouldn't do this", even when confronted with examples of more egregious activities from episodes they previously accepted without challenge from the Roddenberry era and post-Gene days.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 11, 2020
The S*n are in financial trouble.
— The CWU (@CWUnews) April 11, 2020
The S*n costs less than a first class stamp.
So do the right thing:
Buy a first class stamp and write a letter to your nan 👍
A friend texts after watching the Priti Patel press conference. pic.twitter.com/BxTqzQC8ZN
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) April 11, 2020
In 2016 the remote Japanese train station of Kami-Shirataki was scheduled to close, until the authorities realised that a single student was still using it for their commute to school. They rescheduled the closure until after she graduated.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) April 11, 2020
#RedDwarf #ThePromisedLand was a touching instalment that proves there's life in the old Dwarf yet and featured this beautiful moment... pic.twitter.com/hCq2AHIlzQ
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 11, 2020
To be fair he wanted sex and when he got it in Can Of Worms it nearly killed him. Maybe his priorities have changed...
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 12, 2020
"Sunrise In The Aire Valley"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 12, 2020
A very misty sunrise over the Aire Valley floodplains, near Skipton (North Yorkshire, UK).
Like/Follow for daily landscape photography. pic.twitter.com/TuAcmUo1hg
FUN FACT: Several of the BBC's classic #DoctorWho DVD releases contain 'Easter Egg' commentary tracks recorded by @JohnCleese in 2009 - have you found them all? pic.twitter.com/4ZlpuKoX2n
— Pip (@pipmadeley) April 12, 2020
@georgiaEtennant https://t.co/Yn9Mp4waad
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 13, 2020
One of the requirements to become a War Chief of the Crow Indians was to steal an enemy's horse.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) April 13, 2020
So during WWII, Private Joe Medicine Crow stole 50 horses from a SS camp, and sung a traditional Crow honor song as he rode away.
(Photo: Pete Souza.) pic.twitter.com/8w6FoPAikz
What better way to lift a beleaguered nation’s spirits than a bunch of rich tossers parading their grotesque wealth before people who are struggling to make ends meet in the wake of an international disaster?
— 🏳️🌈 Max 🏳️🌈 (@SpillerOfTea) April 13, 2020
Bravo, inbred shitheads. pic.twitter.com/y65HVzatPk
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 15, 2020
Amazing. Piers Morgan is doing what NONE of our journalists are doing. Holding the UK govt to account. Piers Morgan, of all people
— Marcus Chown (@marcuschown) April 15, 2020
But what we desperately need is ALL journalists to start doing a proper job - ask hard questions and nail the lies. You're not working in PR, FFS https://t.co/BzcTeZIZN3
Ranking of Doctor Whos by amount of Wikipedia page vandalism: 13 - Peter Davison
— Ed Jefferson (@edjeff) April 15, 2020
e.g. "I think he was also in three men and a little lady", "he s the pototatoe man" pic.twitter.com/hsR70hab3q
Same energy. pic.twitter.com/Mt5VmP1HG6
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 16, 2020
its uncanny pic.twitter.com/anWmn9ufoh
— Sigh Ableman (@sssssparkers) April 15, 2020
"Sunset Floods"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 16, 2020
Not many good things come from floods, but they do make for some interesting alterations to often visited locations. Taken on the Aire Valley floodplains near Skipton (North Yorkshire, UK).
Like/Follow for daily landscape photography. pic.twitter.com/qm2Bdw4k4o
"I can't say I'm keen on the badge."@jessphillips tells @peston that although she welcomes what @matthancock announced earlier today, she doesn't think a badge goes far enough. #Peston pic.twitter.com/6gVjKxVlwY
— Peston (@itvpeston) April 15, 2020
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 16, 2020
All the Troughton Cybermen stories have their own appeal but Tomb is where it's at (for me)
— 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐤𝐢𝐧 (@DaveLadkin) April 15, 2020
— 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐤𝐢𝐧 (@DaveLadkin) April 16, 2020
They've found the individual who invented the corona virus. Let's hope they prosecute her to the full extent of the law.https://t.co/jj4cYySHXh
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 16, 2020
"Bluebell Woods"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 18, 2020
The awesome Middleton Woods in Ilkley (West Yorkshire, UK). I looks like I will miss my annual trip over to these woods, during bluebell season, this year, but I probably wouldnt top this shot from 2008 anyway!
Like/Follow for daily photography. pic.twitter.com/Fz6yN8pUn7
Honestly feel that anyone in a government position knowingly involved in this kind of misinformation targeted at their own citizens should do jail time. https://t.co/11CDiBtAAu
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) April 20, 2020
Regarding those 128 fake #NHS Staff accounts posting for 'Herd Mentality' and support of the Govt that were set up by @DHSCgovuk or their marketing agency ...
— John O'Connell (@jdpoc) April 20, 2020
Posts were sent using Hootsuite, a mass-posting tool. Account registered to 1 person with 4 assigned contributors. pic.twitter.com/r7fRFQaFwG
A jellyfish is spotted gliding through the canals of Venice, Italy, as decreased boat traffic has made the water more transparent, making it easier to observe marine life—even in the middle of town. https://t.co/uMSkMmSkJC pic.twitter.com/IQM9L4PShB
— ABC News (@ABC) April 20, 2020
This is utterly meaningless.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 22, 2020
(your) real Who is a construct that we collectively will into a consistent narrative. Hartnell's educational serials, Pertwee's action adventure series, Davison's hard SF show & McCoy's darker Doctor have "almost nothing in common" with each other.
It's Backwards Forwards.https://t.co/r4nNB7fU66
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 22, 2020
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 22, 2020
"Tale as old as time..."
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 22, 2020
*sigh* https://t.co/K03fv306ga
— Aunty Malorie Blackman (@malorieblackman) April 22, 2020
"Star Trails"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 23, 2020
A bit of an experiment the other night in the hopes of catching either the Starlink satellites or part of the Lyrid Meteor Shower. Sadly I only managed a couple of very small meteors and no satellites, so a nice trail of stars will have to do instead. pic.twitter.com/ytfWcMXTQE
In Italy, it is illegal to build a home without a bidet in it.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) April 23, 2020
The Oh Doctor Beeching! livetweet is sure to bring them back.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 23, 2020
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 23, 2020
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 23, 2020
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 23, 2020
Sadly missing from archive and not pictured:
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 23, 2020
The Abandoned Planet, Assassin At Peking pic.twitter.com/YqazeTJwf5
In 1849, over 20 people were killed during a riot in Manhattan over the correct theatrical interpretation of ‘Macbeth’.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) April 23, 2020
2. Romans
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 23, 2020
A treasure trove of vintage wallpapers https://t.co/V8WEiW7fg7#vintage #design #wallpaper pic.twitter.com/ZXT1Rmf40Q
— Gail Myerscough (@GailMyerscough) April 14, 2020
"Grimwith High Laithe"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 24, 2020
Grimwith High Laithe is a preserved cruck barn next to Grimwith Reservoir, which is situated between Grassington and Pately Bridge in the Yorkshire Dales. The barn is thought to be about 400 years old.
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© https://t.co/kvR9zpVegd pic.twitter.com/PZVxvPerAT
Really hard to know what his attitude would have been to a government that, say, issued free gas masks to everyone. pic.twitter.com/QQuUBrZySi
— Tom Hamilton (@thhamilton) April 23, 2020
It's ironic that what could have been the best view of the upgraded set looks like it was filmed on toilet paper.
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 24, 2020
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 24, 2020
6. Robber, Invasion, Seeds, Games
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 24, 2020
Turned on BBC1, caught the end of Big Night In. Ending with a song by Andrew Lloyd Webber (£6m tax avoidance scheme) and Gary Barlow (£20m tax avoidance scheme) to encourage the public to donate to charities or order to fill a *mysterious void* in the public purse. 🙃
— Michael Marshall (@MrMMarsh) April 23, 2020
"The Flying Scotsman"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 25, 2020
The magnificent Flying Scotsman steam train at Oakworth Station on the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway (West Yorkshire, UK). Taken April 2017.
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© Tom Holmes / https://t.co/gu0UBrZwkI pic.twitter.com/agrSEWc92Q
"Star Trails 2"
— Tom Holmes (@TomHolmes_Photo) April 26, 2020
Another attempt at Star Trails over the skies of Carleton In Craven (North Yorkshire, UK). A lot more stars this time and 5 'shooting stars'.
Like/Follow for daily photography.
© Tom Holmes / https://t.co/gu0UBrZwkI pic.twitter.com/416JaEmm4U
Is it cloudy out or am I older than I thought? https://t.co/fgV70WOlF0
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 26, 2020
🎶 🎶 🎶 pic.twitter.com/jFbSGQZgsd
— Brian Conley (@RealBrianConley) April 17, 2020
Get the feeling that Boris Johnson will take his full paternity leave in 30 minute chunks every Wednesday between 12.00 and 12.30. #PMQs
— Peter Smith (@Redpeter99) April 29, 2020
— Denis Skinner (@BolsoverBeast) April 28, 2020
The BBC has been infested with woke lefties for years. "This is the BBC broadcasting on behalf of the conservative party went out with Kenny Everett." pic.twitter.com/b4mMsQ6RAj
— Jeff Smith (@jeffmhsmith) April 28, 2020
— Jeff Smith (@jeffmhsmith) April 28, 2020
That says more about the Mail than it does about the BBC
— David Black (@Davetweetedthis) April 30, 2020
The same set of figures the BBC spends £174,857 on 'left wing' papers (Guardian & Daily Mirror), but £380,623 on right wing papers
So by your own yardstick the BBC is far more right wing than left. https://t.co/WKySDHEbwn